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Combat Settings

The Settings page for the plugin allows you to modify multiple settings. Let's walk through them.

Ninja Combat Settings

Reload your project!

Make sure to reload your project after changing these settigs!

Core Settings

Property Description
Actor Info Proxy Class Proxy class used to retrieve information from an Actor Info struct.
Effect Context Proxy Class Proxy class used to retrieve information from an Effect Context struct.
Enable Motion Warping By Default Default value for abilities that can use Motion Warping.

Melee Combat

Property Description
Melee Scan Channel Channel used to perform melee scans.
Melee Scan Class Default class used to represent a Melee Scan.

Ranged Combat

Property Description
Projectile Socket Name Default socket name for sockets used as projectile sources.
Projectile Channel Channel used to detect projectile hits.
Projectile Request Class Default class used to represent a projectile request.

Damage Handling

Property Description
Damage Registry Size How many damage entries are stored for a combat target.